On Halloween we had General Grievius, Harry Potter and a Power Ranger visit our house.

We have been enjoying this year and time is going so fast. Ben is enjoying being in the 3rd grade and is doing very well. He has started 4-H this year and will be doing archery and shotgun. Isaac is kindergarten. He is adjusting very well to staying in school all day. Last but not least Luke is also doing well. He just had his hole closed up where his trach was and we could not be happier. He is making a lot of progress. Jason and I just go back from a Desiring God conference for disabled children. It was a much needed time to get perspective on God's plan for the disabled. It was a positive excperience and glad we went. We are very blessed to have Luke in our family and actually be able to witness the improvement that Luke makes. Hoping you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!
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